Teaching & Learning Excellence

Academic Affairs Division


Launched in 2005, Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) is a national public advocacy and campus action initiative. LEAP champions the importance of a liberal education—for individual students and for a nation dependent on economic creativity and democratic vitality.

– American Association of Colleges and Universities,

Campuses and Partners: University System of ߲; institutions joining the LEAP State ߲ Consortium; independent institutions interested in partnership

Year Joined:2016
The LEAP State ߲ Consortium comprises colleges and universities of the University System of ߲.  Led by the LEAP ߲ Steering Committee, the consortium organizes LEAP activities throughout the state and welcomes all institutions to participate.

LEAP Mission: The LEAP State ߲ membership, which collectively is referred to as LEAP ߲, is committed to developing the LEAP vision through creation of purposeful pathways for students and high levels of student achievement of the Essential Learning Outcomes.  LEAP values, the values of liberal education, are essential for future professionals, future citizens, and future leaders.  LEAP ߲ is committed to the Principles of Excellence toward the goals of inclusivity, civic connection, and lifelong inquiry.

For more information about the LEAP vision across the country, visit .

Featured initiatives:

  • LEAP ߲ Steering Committee meets twice a year to manage administrative and governance issues
  • Each active campus has created or is in the process of creating its own local group to manage the campus LEAP plan
  • Every spring the USG hosts a gathering of LEAP ߲ campuses to showcase or participate in the showcasing of activities going on at the individual institutions
  • The USG is coordinating with institutional presidents and with community leaders including members of the Board of Regents to coordinate the efforts of LEAP initiatives with the emerging concerns of “essential skills”

Visit the website.