Academic Common Market

University System of ߲


The Regional Contract Program is sponsored and managed by the .

Qualified ߲ students may pursue Doctorates in Optometry at the Southern College of Optometry (Memphis, Tennessee) or the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry (Birmingham, Alabama) paying in-state tuition. To qualify for in-state tuition, students must be accepted at one of these Schools of Optometry, must be awarded one of the limited ߲ “contract seats” by the institution, and must provide acceptable proofs of ߲ residency.

Students applying to one of these Schools of Optometry may request certification of their ߲ Residency at any time. To request residency certification go to the portal. Click on “Not a member?” and set-up a username and password for your account. Make sure you choose RCP as your application type. The portal will than walk you through the steps you need to take in order to submit your application. If you do not have all of the needed documentation, you can save your entries and return later to upload additional files and submit.
