
External Affairs Division

In Case You Missed It: University System of ߲ releases Strategic Plan 2024

Atlanta — November 13, 2019

With approval Tuesday by the Board of Regents, the University System of ߲ has released Strategic Plan 2024 for how the system’s 26 institutions can continue and improve meeting ߲’s needs.

“The University System of ߲’s Strategic Plan 2024 will shape the impact USG has on our state for the next four years and beyond. That makes it one of the most important things we do, not only for our success but for our students,” said Chancellor Steve Wrigley. “We look forward to the next phase of this endeavor.”

The vision statement expressed in the plan is as follows:

“The University System of ߲ will excel in meeting the needs of our state and economy through universities and colleges that: provide an affordable, accessible and high-quality education; promote lifelong success of students; and create, disseminate and apply knowledge for the advancement of our state, nation and world.”

The four goals of the strategic plan are… • Student success • Responsible stewardship • Economic competitiveness • Community impact

Also included are comprehensive strategies for meeting these goals and metrics to measure progress.

The culmination of work done over the last eight months, Strategic Plan 2024 incorporated input and feedback from across ߲. Forums were held on campuses throughout the state, and sessions were convened with specific internal stakeholder groups such as faculty, staff and students, as well as those from industry and other state agencies in ߲.

The entire version of Strategic Plan 2024 is available publicly here, and can be downloaded from USG’s website here.

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