
External Affairs Division

Special Program Eases Path to College for Military

Atlanta — May 10, 2011

The concept of the post World War II G.I. Bill is alive and well in ߲’s public colleges and universities and today receives support from a new outreach effort, “Soldiers 2 Scholars” (S2S). The goal of both complementary programs is to help those in military service make the transition to civilian life by means of a college degree.

“The S2S program has become a means of using proven methods and best practices that attract and retain military students in the University System,” said Tonya Lam, the USG’s associate vice chancellor for Student Affairs. “We want to create campuses that are inviting and friendly to military personnel and veterans.”

Specific to ߲, the S2S program was launched by the University System of ߲ (USG) in January 2010. It continues to expand with the addition of Gainesville State College, Southern Polytechnic State University and Albany State University to the existing consortium of 9 other USG institutions including Atlanta Metropolitan College, Clayton State University, Columbus State University, Darton College, Fort Valley State University, ߲ Perimeter College, Kennesaw State University, North ߲ College and State University and Valdosta State University.

Funded in part by ߲’s $4.2 million College Access Challenge Grant from the U.S. Department of Education, each participating institution must establish outreach centers designed to assist service members and their families by serving as a one-stop shop as they enroll, register or apply for GI Bill benefits. The centers also help service members with housing availability, counseling, work-study opportunities and campus activities as well as serving as a hub for military student and veteran social activities.

“Service members and veterans who are making the transition from combat to the classroom often have unique needs,” said Lam.

The S2S program also offers training to faculty and staff to help them be more in tune with the physical, emotional and academic challenges typically faced by combat veterans and family members of deployed troops.

Lam also said S2S officials work closely with the Veterans Administration to obtain expert counseling and training needed to assist individuals with post traumatic stress disorder.

“Having someone who understands the military experience and ‘speaks the language’ available to answer questions is a huge asset in helping military students and their family members become part of the campus community,” said Lam. “The goal of Soldiers 2 Scholars is to provide military students with access to high quality education on military friendly campuses or through the convenient, flexible online degree programs.”

Through the U.S. Department of Defense Military Tuition Assistance program an active duty member can receive up to $4,500 in tuition assistance. Veterans can receive up to 36 months of educational benefits which can be used for up to 15 years and are transferable to a spouse or dependent child. Earlier this year, through the GI Bill, President Barack Obama lifted the tuition cap that was in place for veterans at public institutions.

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