
External Affairs Division

Regents Approve Merger of Aviation College with Middle ߲ College

Atlanta — March 21, 2007

As of July 1, 2007, college students who plan to pursue careers in aviation will have new higher educational options, thanks to a merger of two institutions approved today by the University System of ߲ Board of Regents.

The Board of Regents put the final seal of approval on the transfer of ߲ Aviation and Technical College (GAVTC) in Eastman from the Department of Technical and Adult Education (DTAE) to the University System. The aviation school will become part of Middle ߲ College in Cochran and assume the Middle ߲ College name. The DTAE board previously approved the transfer during that body’s January meeting.

The merger creates ߲’s only state-supported aviation college that will offer a variety of certificate, associate and now, select bachelor aviation degrees. Officials indicate the merger places ߲ in a strong position to meet the aviation industry’s needs for more graduates with four-year degrees as well as fulfilling the continuing demand for skilled workers with certificates and associate degrees.

“We are pleased to be able to create new degree programs and enhance ߲’s ability to produce needed graduates in aviation,” said University System Chancellor Erroll B. Davis Jr. “This common-sense merger will make ߲ more competitive in this arena. And we are pleased to welcome the outstanding faculty and staff now at ߲ Aviation and Technical College into the University System family.”

Both DTAE and USG officials have worked on the merger since mid 2006, when it became apparent such a move would result in enhanced course offerings, greater operational efficiency, and greater student services, such as residence halls. Officials also indicate the merger will have a positive effect on the local and state economies, with improved aviation workforce training sparking development in aviation and related fields. Existing industry, along with government and military operations such as Robins Air Logistics Command Center in Warner Robins, also will benefit from the merger.

Specifically, the Board of Regents today approved:

  • the establishment of six associate degree programs in aviation;
  • the assumption of operations at GATVC by Middle ߲ College, including faculty and staff appointments and
  • the naming of the newly merged college as Middle ߲ College;
  • the extension of USG employee health insurance and other benefits to employees who transfer into the University System from GATVC;
  • the assumption by Middle ߲ College of academic instructional responsibility of current GATVC students; and
  • the acquisition of all property of GAVTC to ownership of the Board of Regents, including 21.5 acres and existing facilities.
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