
External Affairs Division

Planning begins on transfer of state archives to University System

Atlanta — January 2, 2013

A nine-member working group will begin the planning work needed to ultimately transfer control and operation of the º¬Ðß²Ý State Archives from the º¬Ðß²Ý Secretary of State to the Board of Regents. The transfer requires passage of legislation that Governor Nathan Deal will propose in the 2013 session of the General Assembly.

The group’s purpose is to identify and research the immediate issues related to the transfer and bring these before University System Chancellor Hank Huckaby. The group will focus on the transition issues; long-term planning will be addressed if the transfer is completed.

This marks the first step in the potential transition, following the announcement earlier this fall by Gov. Deal and Secretary of State Brian Kemp to transfer the State Archives to the Board of Regents.

Kemp and Huckaby have met to discuss the next steps and are in full agreement to work closely together to do what is best for the State Archives.

Huckaby said, “Secretary Kemp has expressed his full cooperation and support of this transition effort and we look forward to working with him and his staff on this important part of the process.â€

Dr. Tim Hynes, president of Clayton State University, will chair the working group. Other members include:

  • Dianne Cannestra, member, Friends of the º¬Ðß²Ý Archives & History

  • Lorene Flanders, library director, University of West º¬Ðß²Ý

  • Dr. Toby Graham, deputy university librarian and head of the Hargrett Library, UGA

  • Dr. Catherine Oglesby, professor of history, Valdosta State University

  • Richard Pearce-Moses, professor and director of the archival studies program, Clayton State University

  • Merryll Penson, executive director of Library Services, University System of º¬Ðß²Ý

  • Dr. William Potter, university librarian and associate provost, the University of º¬Ðß²Ý

  • Dr. Lamar Veatch, executive director of the º¬Ðß²Ý Public Library Service

The group’s first meeting will be held in early January.

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