
External Affairs Division

November is ߲ “Apply to College Month”

Atlanta — November 18, 2011

For many high school seniors across ߲, the application and financial aid process can be overwhelming and deterring. ߲ Apply to College Month, held during November, is full of events specifically designed to to assist high school seniors with the college application process and to make them aware of the many college-related resources that are available. Via students have a one-stop-shop to apply to colleges throughout the state of ߲.

߲ Apply to College Month events have been underway at nearly 200 participating ߲ high schools across the state. Open to all seniors at those schools, the program has a special focus on providing assistance students who are the first from their family to attend college as well as those that find the application process confusing.

“As an increased focus has been placed on college completion, it is also important for us to give students all the necessary tools to succeed. That starts with the college application and financial aid process,” University System of ߲ Chancellor Hank Huckaby said. “Apply to College Month is an excellent opportunity for high school seniors to receive one-on-one attention to educate them about the materials available to help them successfully transfer from high school to the post secondary option of his or her choice.”

GACollege411is an online resource that helps students and their families select a college, to apply for admission and to plan how to finance higher education. The GAcollege411 Web site offers access to information about colleges, universities, and technical colleges throughout ߲. Volunteers from participating agencies/organizations, ߲ colleges and universities, and the community have been on hand at participating high schools to assist students as they complete their applications.

The program has grown from its first year of one week in November and eight participating high schools to almost 200 high schools in its fifth year. The program will potentially reach almost 43,000 high-school seniors.

In 2010, more than 24,000 ߲ high school seniors attended a ߲ Apply to College events at participating schools. Approximately 350 college and community volunteers assisted students with completing applications for admission. Nearly 6,000 college applications were submitted online via from participating schools during last year’s program.

߲ Apply to College Month is sponsored by Communities in Schools of ߲, the ߲ Department of Education, the ߲ Foundation of Independent Colleges, the ߲ Student Finance Commission, the ߲ Partnership for Excellence in Education, the Technical College System of ߲ and the University System of ߲ (USG), and is endorsed by the ߲ Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.

The program is funded through the U.S. Department of Education through the College Access Challenge Grant.

Editor’s Note: A list of the participating high schools can be found at:

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