
External Affairs Division

Morehead named president of the University of ߲

Atlanta — February 4, 2013

Jere Morehead thumbnail
Jere Morehead

Jere Morehead, senior vice president for Academic Affairs and provost at the University of ߲, was named today as the 22nd president of UGA by the Board of Regents of the University System of ߲.

Morehead will assume his new post on July 1, 2013, according to Board of Regents Chair “Dink” NeSmith.

“Jere has devoted the bulk of his career to the University of ߲ and he has a great passion for the University and its service to students and the State of ߲,” said NeSmith. “He knows the University and it became clear to all involved in the search that he is the right person to take UGA forward. He has tremendous challenges ahead and the Board will support him as he works to strengthen UGA’s programs.”

University System Chancellor Hank Huckaby said that Morehead’s appointment “is the right decision for UGA. I have known and worked with Jere for many years and am delighted he will have this great opportunity to serve the university he loves so well. Our students will be in excellent hands under his leadership. Jere will bring the vision and energy essential to UGA advancing its land grant mission.”

Regent Larry Walker, who chaired the search committee, said, “This was a comprehensive and thorough national search that identified strong candidates. But it became clear to the committee that Jere stood head and shoulders above a national field.”

“Becoming President of the University of ߲ is a dream come true for a UGA graduate who has spent more than half of his life on this campus,” said Morehead. “While the University of ߲ faces economic challenges, if we focus on our academic priorities we will reach new heights. The University is poised, thanks to the quality of the faculty, staff, and students, to become one of the greatest public universities in the United States.”

Morehead noted, “In preparation for the UGA Presidency, I plan to spend the coming months evaluating our strengths and weaknesses, visiting with other presidents and key constituents, contemplating possible organizational changes, and beginning preparation for a major capital campaign. I am appreciative to the Chancellor, the Chairman, and the Board of Regents for giving me the opportunity to serve the University and the state of ߲.”

Morehead’s career covers a wide range of faculty and administrative posts at UGA. Prior to his current position, which he assumed in 2010, he served as UGA’s vice president for Instruction, vice provost for Academic Affairs, director of the Honors Program, and acting executive director of Legal Affairs.

Morehead also serves as vice chair of the ߲ Athletic Association Board of Directors, vice chair of the UGA Research Foundation, a UGA Foundation Trustee, and a UGA Real Estate Foundation Trustee.

In addition to his administrative responsibilities, Morehead is the Meigs Professor of Legal Studies in the Terry College of Business where he has had a faculty appointment since 1986, first as an assistant professor teaching legal studies, rising through the ranks of associate professor to full professor. He also directed the UGA Law School Advocacy Program from 1986-1995.

After serving as a visiting professor at the University of Michigan in 1995, Morehead returned to the Terry College faculty in 1996.

Before joining the UGA faculty, Morehead worked for the U.S. Department of Justice as a United States Attorney from 1980-1986.

Morehead has published numerous books and scholarly articles on several legal topics ranging from export controls to jury selection, and he has served as editor-in-chief of the American Business Law Journal.

He is the recipient of several University-wide teaching awards, including the Josiah Meigs Teaching Award, the highest award the University provides for teaching excellence, the Richard B. Russell Undergraduate Teaching Award, the Teacher of the Year in the Terry College of Business, and the Tresp Teaching Award in the Honors Program.

A native of Lakeland, Fla., Morehead moved with his family to Atlanta as a teenager. He earned his undergraduate degree from ߲ State University. He is a 1980 graduate of the UGA School of Law where he earned his J.D. degree.

Morehead will assume the UGA presidency from Dr. Michael Adams, who will retire on June 30 2013, after serving as president since 1997.

Please see Governor Nathan Deal’s statement on Morehead’s appointment at:

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