
External Affairs Division

Mark Lytle to Lead University System Economic Development Efforts

Atlanta — March 20, 2013

Mark Lytle thumbnail
Mark Lytle

Hank Huckaby, chancellor of the University System of ߲, has named Mark F. Lytle as the USG’s new vice chancellor for economic development.

Lytle is currently the division director for the ߲ Centers of Innovation, a statewide strategic industry business support program run by the ߲ Department of Economic Development.

“We are delighted to bring on board someone of Mark’s professional relationships and experience as we bring a new level of focus to our economic development efforts,” said Huckaby.

The position was created to coordinate the activities of the System’s 31 institutions on behalf of the State of ߲’s economic development efforts, with a goal of ensuring the System can increase its role in creating business opportunities and jobs across the state said Huckaby.

In his new role, Lytle will establish current and long-range goals, objectives, plans and policies for economic development initiatives for the USG and its Intellectual Capital Partnership Program. He also will serve as the main contact between the USG and business leaders, statewide economic development partners and the ߲ Department of Economic Development.

“The University System of ߲ is a key driver of the state’s economy,” said Board of Regents Chairman Dink NeSmith. “Creating more jobs for ߲ns – especially our graduates – is a top priority. Mark Lytle is the perfect choice to champion this initiative.”

In his current work, Lytle has been involved extensively with connecting companies in ߲’s six strategic industries of aerospace, agribusiness, energy, life science and information technology, logistics and manufacturing with government resources, the research capabilities of the university system and other companies in their industries.

“I am really excited to be joining such a great organization and look forward to the challenge of enhancing the value that the university system brings to economic development efforts across ߲,” said Lytle.

Lytle has been in his current position since 2012, but has a long track record with the ߲ Department of Economic Development, beginning in 2002. As a member of this state agency, Lytle has been the director of the foreign direct investment team (2010-2011), the director of statewide projects (2008-2009), and manager of the KIA supplier initiative (2006-2008).

He also has experience in ߲’s QuickStart program, run by the Technical College System of ߲, where he was manager of Corporate Contract Customized Training in 2000.

Prior to joining state government, Lytle had extensive experience in the private sector, including serving as chief operating officer of Thornill Cabinets (2000-2001), and senior positions with Williams Group International from 1977-1999, including serving as president of a key subsidiary, Williams Power Corp. from 1995-1997.

Lytle holds a bachelor of science in architecture from ߲ Tech.

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