
External Affairs Division

Margaret Venable Named Interim President of Dalton State College

Atlanta — November 21, 2014

Dr. Margaret Venable thumbnail
Dr. Margaret Venable

University System of ߲ Chancellor Hank Huckaby has named Dr. Margaret Venable as interim president of Dalton State College.

Venable currently serves as provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at Gordon State College. She will assume presidential responsibilities at Dalton State on Jan. 1, 2015, after current president John Schwenn retires on Dec. 31, 2014.

“Serving as provost and vice president of academic affairs at Gordon State College has prepared Dr. Venable to take on the leadership of Dalton State College during this time of transition,” said Huckaby. “Margaret’s skills and experience developed during her extensive service with the University System are a tremendous asset, and we are fortunate to be able to rely on her leadership.”

Venable’s experience with the University System of ߲ also includes the University of North ߲’s Oconee Campus, where she served as vice president and chief executive officer. Before that Dr. Venable held a range of roles at ߲ Perimeter College, including: assistant vice president of Early Colleges and Academic Initiatives, interim dean of Sciences and Physical Education, interim dean of Academic Services and department chair of Science and Physical Education.

In 2008, Venable was selected as an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow hosted by Southern Polytechnic State University.

Venable received a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry from Agnes Scott College, a Master of Science degree in inorganic chemistry from ߲ Institute of Technology and a Doctorate of Science Education degree from ߲ State University.

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