
External Affairs Division

Ingrid Thompson-Sellers Named Interim President of South ߲ State College

Atlanta — May 23, 2016

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University System of ߲ Chancellor Hank Huckaby has named Dr. Ingrid Thompson-Sellers interim president of South ߲ State College.

Thompson-Sellers currently serves as a Senior Associate Dean and professor of Business Information Systems at ߲ State University. She will assume her position at South ߲ State on June 30, 2016, replacing retiring President Virginia Carson.

“Ingrid brings broad experience in higher education and academic affairs that will serve South ߲ State College students, faculty and staff extremely well,” said Huckaby. “Ingrid has demonstrated strong leadership capabilities that will enable her to hit the ground running and keep South ߲ State College moving forward. Ingrid understands and is committed to the access mission.”

Prior to her role at ߲ State University, Thompson-Sellers served in a variety of roles at ߲ Perimeter College since August 1998, including Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, Business Information Systems faculty, department chair, Dean of Business, Campus Dean at Newton, Decatur, Clarkston and GPC Online.

Before coming to ߲ Perimeter College, she taught at Iona College in New Rochelle, New York.

Thompson-Sellers has a bachelor’s degree in Physics, Master’s degree in Telecommunications and a doctorate in Instructional Technology from ߲ State University.

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