
External Affairs Division

Executive Leadership Institute Welcomes the 2022-23 Class

Atlanta — November 17, 2022

The University System of ߲ (USG) has named the 2022-2023 class of its Executive Leadership Institute (ELI), including 35 faculty and staff members from 25 USG institutions and the University System Office.

For over a decade, USG has hosted ELI for faculty and staff to develop new leaders within the university system and offer professional develop opportunities to help them grow their careers in ߲.

“This is about supporting and growing our own people within the university system,” USG Chancellor Sonny Perdue said. “Many times, the best talent is already among us. We want to give our people the best opportunity to experience this kind of professional development so they can reach their full potential.”

Presidents nominate one academic leader and one staff leader to participate. From the nominees, individuals are selected for the six-month program and participate in a leadership development curriculum that includes content, personal reflection, job shadowing and cross-mentoring.

This year’s ELI class began Nov. 15, 2022, and includes:

  • Jodie Snow, chief operating officer, ABAC Foundation, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
  • Andrea Dozier, interim chair and associate professor, Department of Nursing, Albany State University
  • Dr. Jennifer Sullivan, dean, The Graduate School, Augusta University
  • Belinda “Jody” DeFore, director, Financial Aid, Atlanta Metropolitan State College
  • Mary Lamb, chair and professor, Department of English, Clayton State University
  • Dr. Syvillia Averett, chair and associate professor of mathematics, Department of Mathematics & Data Science, College of Coastal ߲
  • Dr. Bryan Banks, assistant professor of history, interim director, Faculty Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, Columbus State University
  • Tamara Jenkins Wade, director and chief human resources officer, Business and Finance, Columbus State University
  • Wendy Sosebee, assistant vice president, Fiscal Affairs, Dalton State College
  • Dr. Da’Mon Andrews, associate vice president, Grants and Analytics, East ߲ State College
  • Dwayne L. Daniels, interim assistant dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Fort Valley State University
  • Dr. Angie Childre, director, Student Health Services, ߲ College & State University
  • Dr. Karen Jackson, assistant professor of education, associate dean, Advising Programs, ߲ Gwinnett College
  • Jennifer Hicks, executive director, Enrollment Management, ߲ Highlands College
  • Beril Toktay, Brady Family Chair in Management and interim executive director, Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems, ߲ Institute of Technology
  • Josh Rosenberg, senior director, Grants and Contracts Accounting, ߲ Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Dustin Anderson, associate provost for Student Success, associate professor of literature, College of Arts & Humanities, affiliate faculty, Center for Irish Research and Teaching, ߲ Southern University
  • Dr. Mark Laughlin, interim dean, College of Arts and Sciences, ߲ Southwestern State University
  • Elisabeth Burgess, associate dean, Faculty Affairs, ߲ State University
  • Stephen Raynie, department head, Applied Sciences, Gordon State College
  • Dr. Sumanth Yenduri, dean, College of Computing and Software Engineering, Kennesaw State University
  • Antrameka Knight, assistant vice president, Budget and Planning, Kennesaw State University
  • Dr. Donna Ingram, chair, Department of Nursing, Middle ߲ State University
  • Dr. Mary Roberts, executive director, Center for Career & Leadership Development, Middle ߲ State University
  • Dr. Kisha Aites, interim chair, College of Education, Savannah State University
  • Sheri Rouse-Mainor, executive director, University Advancement & Philanthropic Operations, Savannah State University
  • Arlena Stanley, director, Admissions, South ߲ State College
  • Elizabeth Weeks, associate provost, Faculty Affairs, Charles H. Kirbo Chair in Law, University of ߲
  • Alton M. Standifer, deputy chief of staff to the president, University of ߲
  • Dr. Anastasia Lin, assistant vice president for Academic Affairs & Dean of Honors, University of North ߲
  • Dr. Shanna Smith, associate vice president, Strategic Enrollment Management, University of West ߲
  • Traci Stromie, manager, Leadership and Institutional Development, University System of ߲
  • Steffanie Morrison, assistant vice chancellor, Legal Affairs, University System of ߲
  • Kevin Marshall, assistant vice chancellor, USO Solutions Support, University System of ߲
  • Kate Warner, associate dean, College of Education & Human Services, Valdosta State University

The USG ELI program is an effective investment in the future leaders of USG as the university system continues to serve our public higher education community.

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