
External Affairs Division

Dr. Valerie Hepburn Receives Permanent Appointment as President of College of Coastal ߲

Atlanta — January 13, 2009

Dr. Valerie Hepburn thumbnail
Dr. Valerie Hepburn

University System of ߲ Chief Operating Officer Rob Watts announced today that the Board of Regents has approved the permanent appointment of Dr. Valerie Hepburn as president of the College of Coastal ߲ (CCGA) in Brunswick. She has served as the college’s interim president since July 1, 2008.

“Dr. Hepburn has had the challenge of leading the College of Coastal ߲ through its change of mission,” Watts said, referring to the institution’s ongoing transformation from a two-year community college to a four-year state college. “The College of Coastal ߲ is on a very aggressive schedule to offer its first baccalaureate programs in fall 2009. Internal and external constituencies of the college have confirmed that Dr. Hepburn has the right combination of skills and talents to make the transition at Coastal ߲ a success. She has done an excellent job in the interim position.”

Regent James A. Bishop, whose district includes the college, agrees. “The College of Coastal ߲ obtained the necessary accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to offer four-year degrees much more quickly than anyone expected, and I credit Dr. Hepburn with making that happen. In all respects, she is the perfect fit for the challenges and opportunities ahead for the College of Coastal ߲,” he said.

Hepburn was assistant dean of the University of ߲’s (UGA) College of Public Health when she was called on to serve as CCGA’s interim president. She had held that position since 2007 and also was an adjunct professor at ߲ State University and the Medical College of ߲. She previously served as associate director of the Institute of Public Health at ߲ State University from 2003 to 2007, and director of the Division of Health Planning and director of planning and data management at the ߲ Department of Community Health from 2000 to 2003.

From 1990 to 2000, Hepburn served in leadership positions with the ߲ Department of Human Resources, including assistant commissioner and executive director of the Southwest ߲ Regional Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Board. During the 1980s, she also worked in the Office of the Secretary of State at the ߲ State Capitol, first as director of legislative relations and then as director of administration and government relations.

A consultant and advisor to the University System of ߲’s Health Professions Education Task Force, Hepburn holds a Ph.D. in public policy and administration from UGA (2006), a master of public administration from ߲ State (1987) and a bachelor of arts in political science from Agnes Scott College (1983).

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