
External Affairs Division

Board of Regents To Conduct Special Meeting Via Conference Call On Wednesday, Dec. 3

Atlanta — December 2, 2008

WHO: Board of Regents of the University System of º¬Ðß²Ý

WHAT: A special meeting of the Board of Regents has been called by Board Chair Richard L. Tucker and the board’s Executive Committee.

WHEN: Wednesday, Dec. 3, 10 a.m.

WHERE: Via conference call Board of Regents’ offices
Room 7019 (the Chancellor’s Conference Room)
270 Washington Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

WHY: The meeting is being held to discuss and act upon three items to meet an 8 percent budget reduction for FY 2009 for the University System of º¬Ðß²Ý.

  1. Reduce the employer contribution rate for the PPO and HMO health insurance plans from 75 percent to 70 percent.

  2. Waive policy 704.021 on mandatory student fee.

  3. Institute a temporary, mandatory fee of $100 per semester at research universities, $75 at comprehensive universities, and $50 at access institutions.

Editor’s Note: If you plan on attending this Special Called Meeting, please contact John Millsaps at (404) 656-2251 or (404) 656-2250 by 3 p.m. Tuesday. Information regarding the outcome of this meeting will be issued following the meeting.

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