
External Affairs Division

Board of Regents Elects Officers for ‘21

Atlanta — September 15, 2020

Regent Sachin Shailendra thumbnail
Regent Sachin Shailendra

The Board of Regents of the University System of ߲ (USG) today elected Regent Sachin Shailendra to a second one-year term as the Board’s chair and Regent Cade Joiner to a one-year term as the Board’s vice chair.

Regent Shailendra will serve as Board chair from Jan. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2021. Representing the 13th district on the Board of Regents, Shailendra is the founder and president of SG Contracting, Inc. His company has an extensive portfolio of new construction and renovation projects in which he works with property owners, subcontractors, architects and designers. Shailendra has served on the Board since 2014.

Shailendra is a graduate of the ߲ Institute of Technology and an alumnus of Woodward Academy, where he has served as former President of the Alumni Association and Member of the school’s Advisory Council. He is a Member of the Rotary Club of Atlanta and a Member of the Atlanta Police Foundation. He is also a Board Member of both the ߲ REACH Foundation and the Children’s Health Care of Atlanta’s Sports Network.

Shailendra resides in Metro Atlanta with his wife, Stacy Galan Shailendra and their twins, Sydney and Sutton.

“I am humbled and honored to continue serving in support of the state’s public colleges and universities and the important work they do to help more students graduate and make ߲ economically competitive,” Shailendra said. “The system’s most important role is to do all it can to support them in that success, no matter the circumstances. I’m thankful to my fellow regents for their trust. I am also grateful for all Chancellor Wrigley, his staff and especially our campuses have done to serve our students, families and the citizens of ߲.”

Joiner will serve as the Board’s vice chair from Jan. 1, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2021. He is a 2001 marketing graduate from the University of ߲ and the founder of Shred-X Secure Document Destruction, one of the largest independent shredding companies in the Southeast. The company was named as one of the 100 fastest growing businesses in ߲. Joiner has served on the Board since earlier this year.

“This is first and foremost an opportunity to serve and support the university system and our students,” said Joiner, an at-large member of the Board of Regents. “USG institutions and our faculty and staff do a fantastic job, and it’s an honor to take on this role to further the system’s priorities of affordability, efficiency and completion.”

Joiner serves as Chairman of the National Federation of Independent Business of ߲, an organization with 8,000 member businesses across the state. He is a board member for the UGA Entrepreneurship Program and ߲ Workforce Development Board. He also advises the boards of several start-ups.

The University of ߲ recently named Joiner as one of its 40 most distinguished graduates under the age of 40. In 2018, Joiner served on the Finance Committee for Governor Brian Kemp and was also on the Executive Committee of the Kemp Inaugural. In early 2019, he was named Co-Chairman of the ߲ns First Commission. He regularly appears in the media discussing business issues and has been featured on Fox News, CNN, and in the Wall Street Journal.

Joiner and his wife, Katie, and their sons, Cade Jr. and Walker, live in Brookhaven.

About the Board of Regents The Board of Regents is a constitutional body that governs the University System of ߲, composed of 26 public colleges and universities, the ߲ Public Library Service and the ߲ Archives, and serves more than 333,000 students.

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